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Network monitoring with flexible prices
Start using Unit Plaform for free for up to 6 months!
Free trial
Pay as you go
The subscription cost follows a prepaid method: you buy credits and use them during the month.
You choose which features you intend to use, estimate how much you're going to spend and acquire credits to use on the platform.
What do you want to monitor?
Local infrastructureAWS infrastructure

5 Devices
R$ -/ month
Free trial

How does the free trial work?

When you start a free trial, you get R$ 20 per month worth of credits to spend on Unit Platform for up to 6 months. With these credits, you can use any feature of the plaform, without being restricted by plans or quantities

How does the payment work?

The payment is processed within Unit Plaform. You only need to access the "Buy credits" page, fill in the amount of credits you wish to buy and choose a payment method. We accept payment by credit card and bank slips.


O funcionamento dos pagamentos está detalhado na nossa documentação. Caso você ainda possua dúvidas, entre em contato conosco!

Unit Platform is also available for use on-premises. Contact us to know more:

Contact us
A estimativa de preços leva em conta as seguintes condições: os dispositivos são monitorados a cada 5 minutos e inventariados a cada 30 minutos, os volumes EBS e instâncias EC2 são monitorados a cada 10 minutos. Custos com o uso do Business Metrics não estão incluídos no cálculo.
Para uma simulação mais detalhada, acesse a calculadora de custos dentro da Unit Platform.'); ?>

Avenida Carlos Gomes, 700 - sala 606, 5º andar

Porto Alegre, RS - Brasil / CEP: 90480-000

Razão social: Netwall Tecnologia Ltda.
CNPJ: 04.925.128/0001-17.
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